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Ons Doel & Onze Waarden

Ons doel is om het contact met de natuur te herstellen door middel van verrijkende eatertainment ervaringen van grond tot bord, voor een gezonde planeet en een gezonde jij.
Globe - The Farm Kitchen
TFK Earths Own Cuisine Beets - The Farm Kitchen
We hebben Earth's Own Cuisine gecreëerd vanuit onze unieke kijk op eten

We nemen al ons eten af van lokale boeren die regeneratief-biologische landbouw toepassen om zo de beste ingrediënten te leveren vol voedingsstoffen. Dit maakt ons eten seizoensgebonden, hyperlokaal, supervers, biologisch, plantaardig, kleurrijk, divers en boordevol voedingsstoffen die alleen uit goede grond kunnen komen.

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Twee werelden verenigd - een plantaardige chef-kok en een natuurondernemer

The Farm Kitchen is ontstaan uit een gezamenlijke missie van twee mede-oprichters om regeneratieve landbouw te stimuleren, met lokale ingrediënten te koken en met elkaar te verbinden door middel van lekker eten.

Inmiddels heeft iedereen bij The Farm Kitchen de visie om in een wereld te leven waarin het voedsel dat we eten de aarde niet belast, maar juist verrijkt.

TFK Jonathan and Xander - The Farm Kitchen
Our Values
[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^1932|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Icon – Hand|description^null” img_width=”70″ block_title_front=”Togetherness is the way” block_desc_front=”Read more” block_text_color=”#5b392b” block_desc_color=”#c0bc35″ block_front_color=”#fdf9f1″ block_desc_back=”We have a bold mission to nurture good soil, good food, and good people that is impossible to achieve alone. We believe we are all stewards of the land. Our team partners with other change makers across our value chain whether it be new generation farmers, chefs, foodies, and companies to make our earth loving mission possible. We believe in cooperation over competition to make our world a better place.” block_back_text_color=”#5b392b” block_back_desc_color=”#5b392b” block_back_color=”#fdf9f1″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”480″ cont_align=”on” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” class=”“img-icon“” src=”““” alt=”“null“” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” flipbx_padding=”padding:20px;”]
[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^1939|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Icon – Hills|description^null” img_width=”70″ block_title_front=”Journey of Discovery” block_desc_front=”Read more” block_text_color=”#5b392b” block_desc_color=”#c0bc35″ block_front_color=”#fdf9f1″ block_desc_back=”We recognise that In the busyness of our urban lives, we’re becoming more and more disconnected from nature. And the more we take from the Earth than give back, the more that gap widens. We feel one of the most powerful ways to reverse this cycle is to invite people to go on a journey of discovery with soil to plate food experiences that take lessons from the land without costing the earth.” block_back_desc_color=”#5b392b” block_back_color=”#fdf9f1″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”480″ cont_align=”on” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” flipbx_padding=”padding:20px;”]
[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^1938|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Icon – Love|description^null” img_width=”70″ block_title_front=”Love and Laughter” block_desc_front=”Read more” block_text_color=”#5b392b” block_desc_color=”#c0bc35″ block_front_color=”#fdf9f1″ block_desc_back=”We have a welcoming spirit at The Farm Kitchen that is based on love and laughter. In our experience there’s nothing like celebrating our love of life over Earth’s Own Cuisine- farm-fresh ingredients from good soil. It’s the ultimate feelgood food that will enrich your palate, bring the most vitality to your body, and nourish your soul. So let’s grow, eat, love, and repeat together as we change the world one farm kitchen dish at a time.” block_back_desc_color=”#5b392b” block_back_color=”#fdf9f1″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”480″ cont_align=”on” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” flipbx_padding=”padding:20px;”]
[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^1940|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Icon – Hills Sun|description^null” img_width=”70″ block_title_front=”Optimism with Purpose” block_desc_front=”Read more” block_text_color=”#5b392b” block_desc_color=”#c0bc35″ block_front_color=”#fdf9f1″ block_desc_back=”Our climate and food security crisis can at times feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. Optimism is the conviction that we can collectively find a better way. Optimism is what led two diverse co-founders, one a plant-based chef and the other an entrepreneur to establish The Farm Kitchen as their way of promoting regenerative agriculture and food cooked in a nature loving way. Everyone at The Farm Kitchen has the vision to live in a world where the food we eat doesn’t cost the earth.” block_back_text_color=”#5b392b” block_back_desc_color=”#5b392b” block_back_color=”#fdf9f1″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”390″ cont_align=”on” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” flipbx_padding=”padding:20px;”]
[icon_counter flip_box_style=”advanced” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^1937|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Icon – World|description^null” img_width=”70″ block_title_front=”Creativity of Nature” block_desc_front=”Read more” block_text_color=”#5b392b” block_desc_color=”#c0bc35″ block_front_color=”#fdf9f1″ block_desc_back=”We find the creative and regenerative power of nature the most remarkable thing about planet earth. Mother nature not only gives us food and life, she is our home, teacher, and companion. She is our source of inspiration, creativity, and pleasure. That’s why at The Farm Kitchen, we take a nature inclusive approach in everything we do. But we don’t stop there. We use our own creativity to help more people rediscover and reconnect with nature through good food.” block_back_desc_color=”#5b392b” block_back_color=”#fdf9f1″ height_type=”ifb-custom-height” box_height=”390″ cont_align=”on” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_size=”desktop:16px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” flipbx_padding=”padding:20px;”]
 "De verbinding met de natuur vormt de kern van Earth's Own Cuisine. Of het nu gaat om een eenvoudige salade gemaakt met verzamelde groente of een complex gerecht met 10 verschillende planten, Earth's Own Cuisine herinnert ons aan onze plaats in de natuurlijke omgeving en onze verantwoordelijkheid om ervoor te zorgen."
Jonathan & Xander
Oprichters van The Farm Kitchen
Loving mission - The Farm Kitchen
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